
Replica IWC watches steps are taken to prevent this

Dust can easily cause a piece to be rejected, so many Replica IWC watches steps are taken to prevent this. After being precisely placed in the mold (to insure uniformity), the mold is placed in an oven. Once the proper temperature is achieved, the mold is placed in a liquid-cooled forging machine and forging begins. After 15-minutes the mold is quickly removed and placed in a vice. The final piece is then carefully extracted from the mold, using a heavy-duty torque press. Each piece is immediately hand inspected and cleaned by the same person who made it. If it Replica IWC watches passes this inital quality check, it is moved to another department for further quality control.If it passes these additional checks, it is sent to the manufacturing department for final finishing. Finally, it is ready to be used on an Audemars Piguet production timepiece. In this case, a Royal Oak Offshore.

This is the first part on my recent tour of the Audemars Piguet factory and museum, in LeBrassus, Switzerland. My tour started in the "forged carbon" department. Instead of taking notes, I figured it would be more Replica IWC watches interesting to actually photograph and videotape the carbon forging process. The slideshow (above) features photos of all the steps required to turn raw "carbon fibers" into a single piece of "forged carbon". First the raw fibers are unrolled, measured and cut. The small strands of carbon are then weighed on a digital scale, where they must be accurate to 1/100th of a gram. If the weight is off, even a hundredth of a gram, the process will not work. The Replica IWC watches weighed fibers are sealed in a small, dust-free container and taken to an adjacent room. Here, the carbon fibers are inserted into a metal mold for forging. This is done within a work succes that features a semi-sealed electronic dust filtration system.